Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reese got a hair cut.

We were hoping to go outside to shoot the photos today, but alas dear mother nature was not cooperating. I haven't taken any for a while though so we did it in his room. He is getting so big, its amazing how fast its all happening.

Some current stats for the little guy.

-He still loves Mickey mouse, now is talking along with it more. Calls out "Toodles" and will say the other characters names.

-More and more he is getting Independent. Now for the first time he is refusing foods. Not a consistent food, just food in general.

-He can get into the top drawers so we need to get the next stage of baby proofing.

-The moon is a favorite topic. If he can't see it, he says over and over, the moon is sleeping.

-He will call out things like, bike, dog, moon as he sees them from the car.

-And my favorite thing he is doing is he is reading/talking to himself. I still don't understand most of what he says but boy is it cute.

Get ready for the next action hero. I love the determination in his step and the look in his eyes. AWESOME!

Mommy coloring with him. I like this one too.

He is showing how big he is here. What a doll.

1 comment:

abs said...

الحشرات تكثر الحشرات في الدول العربيّة بسبب ارتفاع درجات الحرارة وارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة في العديد من المناطق التي تطلّ على المسطّحات المائية، وتُسبّب تلك الحشرات والآفات الكثير من الضرر في حال تواجدها في المنازل أو منشآت الأعمال، خاصّةً التي تختصّ بالمنتجات الغذائية، ومن أهمّ المشاكل التي تسبّبها الحشرات في المنازل الأمراض التي تصيب قاطني المنزل خاصّةً الأطفال، والعفونة التي تصيب الأثاث والملابس المحفوظة في الخزائن.

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