Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reese got a hair cut.

We were hoping to go outside to shoot the photos today, but alas dear mother nature was not cooperating. I haven't taken any for a while though so we did it in his room. He is getting so big, its amazing how fast its all happening.

Some current stats for the little guy.

-He still loves Mickey mouse, now is talking along with it more. Calls out "Toodles" and will say the other characters names.

-More and more he is getting Independent. Now for the first time he is refusing foods. Not a consistent food, just food in general.

-He can get into the top drawers so we need to get the next stage of baby proofing.

-The moon is a favorite topic. If he can't see it, he says over and over, the moon is sleeping.

-He will call out things like, bike, dog, moon as he sees them from the car.

-And my favorite thing he is doing is he is reading/talking to himself. I still don't understand most of what he says but boy is it cute.

Get ready for the next action hero. I love the determination in his step and the look in his eyes. AWESOME!

Mommy coloring with him. I like this one too.

He is showing how big he is here. What a doll.