Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beautiful Baby Lilie!

I am so excited that the last nine months have really flown by! I am a very impatient person and so I was very eager to have my little girl and was super excited when she decided to come early. Not too early, but just early enough to be totally healthy and perfect :)

Luckily our experience with my labor was a little less stressful then with Reese. At my doctor's appointment we were dilated to a 4 and I had been so sick all night that my doctor had us head over to the hospital to be monitored. After a few hours of nothing really happening except them getting some fluids and anti-nausea medicine in me, they sent us home. Josh was terrified to leave me to go to work cause no one was going to be home that night so it was just me and Reese and it just felt like something was going to be happening. Right before he headed into work, I started bleeding and my doctor told us to go back into the hospital. So we packed everything up and headed back in.

They hooked me up to the monitors and checked me again. A 4.5 now, but that was it and they cannot admit you and help along the labor till you are dilated to a 5. I was not having any contractions and the charge nurse wanted to send us home again. My nurse and doctor did not want to send me home so they sent us on a walk. Not just any walk... she wanted me to swing my hips around and get moving so that we could encourage her to nestle down in the hips just enough to dilate me to a 5. Then the doctor could break my water and we could have a baby!

So we walked for almost an hour...

At the end of the walk, my contractions were about 3 minutes apart. When they came in to check on me when we got back I was dilated to a 5 and they called the doctor to come in to break my water! But little Lilie was eager to come and by the time the doctor got there, I was dilated to an 8 and having some really intense contractions.

The labor and delivery only took us about 2 1/2 hours. From the time we got back from our walk around 6:45 to the time she was in my arms at 9:17 my body was totally ready to have a baby. I am so glad we listened to the very subtle hints my body was giving us so that we could be safely checked in to the hospital and prepared to have a baby instead of the crazy, stressful rushing that we did with Reese.

And we are so happy to have Lilie in our family. She is too perfect! Except she does have my temper :( She is totally chill and happy, unless she is hungry or you lay her on her back, then she gets all red and screams at you until you give her what she wants. But still, we love her too much.

Here is her birth announcement and a sneak peak of the photo shoot that daddy did on Day 6. He will be posting more pics soon, I promise!
