Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday at the park

This last Sunday, Jessica and Andy invited to the park. It was a very nice day so we agreed. We were pleasantly surprised that they also invited Benjam and Chelsea as well as Ben and Thao. he So all the kids got to play together. It was a little windy but all in all a very nice day. Thank you Jess and Andy for initiating such a fun time. I think we can all agree it will be happening again.

Here Reese demonstrates the proper way of not getting your knees in the bark while crawling.

There was a play ground with two slides monkey bars and a climbing wall. Reese found me through the hole. He thought it was pretty funny. (so did we)

He is getting better with his balance every day. He has even taken steps on a couple of different occasions. He still likes holding your hands though.

Alyssa was quite mobile as well. The grass kind of threw her off at first. And at one point Reese ended up with the hat. He was reluctant to give it back, but he did.

Someone left behind chalk, so the kids did some drawing. And eating of said chalk.

Here is my babe soaking p the sun.

Would you believe it. Benjam snagged the camera and got a shot of me and the boy. I am glad he did.

It was only two hours, but we got in Frisbee, and a contest Benjam won. I should have guessed a physics major would figure out the best way to make a complete revolution on a kid toy. I really had fun and am looking forward to next time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Little Ian Welker

Last night we went and took some photos of the little 5 day old Ian. He was a brave guy. Squirmed a bit but in the end we got the job done. And some great images I must say.

This one made us all laugh, he kinda looked Golem like.

This one is my current favorite. I love the scale and the look in his eyes.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Last night we went over to Wheeler Farm to do some outdoor photos of Reese. It wasn't a bad night if the wind wasn't blowing. He did have a lot of fun looking at the animals and just being outside I think. Although by the time we were done he was ready for bed. Thank you of course to the beautiful wife of mine, and Missy and Trudi for helping out.