Friday, September 11, 2009

Last weeks wedding

Last Friday my dear sister in law was married. It was an awesome and FULL day. The ceremony was at 11ish luncheon at 1ish and reception at 6. I was not the official photographer nor did I want to be so most of what I have are snapshotish photos. There have been a couple of my sister inlaws posting so I figured I would jump on the bandwagon.

This is Nate hiding in the shade with most of the little ones. It was hot and bright for beeing 11 in the morning.

One of my favorite moments was just after the ceremony and the best mans look of total defeat. Also he had no idea I was taking his picture.

Here is the official photographer (Kimmie, who is an older sister) The funny thing is she is crying here.

This is Gretchen, who was an amazing help! Lance also did a bunch, not pictured but connected to Gretchen. The reason I like this one so much is the two little ones are watching each other. How cute is that?

Little miss Chloe and Haylee. Haylee saw I had the camera and moved in close to Chloe, she didn't know what was going on and got up and changed seats. Cute photo, funnier to see in person.

Thanks for all those who helped and made it memorable, congratulations Shaun and Trudi. I hope you enjoyed your honey moon. Can't wait till your home. (the trash needs to be emptied :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

tomorrow he is 4 months old

This weekend Trudi got hitched, and while I had some free time and the wife and grandma around I decided to take some photos of our little guy. Amazing how I can still remember quite clearly hoping to get to November which was the start of the second trimester. Now he is rolling to his belly and being more and more interactive. I love this little guy!