Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hug them if you love them.

Yesterday about 2 in the morning a friend of mines husband died. To be more direct my best friend Benjam's sister in laws husband died. I don't know all the details but he is from Argentina and was doing guide work there since Christmas. Something happend on this last one and he didn't make it. I felt helpless. There is never something you can really say to that. Even sorry sounds cheep. I was home kinda stewing wishing there was something I could do. Finally I just took over some movies and popcorn. I gave her a hug and was just there. She has a rough road a head, as well as those close to her. I hope she knows I will do anything I can to help.

The strangest part for me is just two years ago this would not have had such an impact on me. This is because before Kati's accident, death was an inevitability, non emotional, just something that happenes. I find myself much more empathetic. I am glad to understand much better that death is very emotional, so I can be supportive to those who need it.

So as the title says, be greatful for those loved ones you still get to hug, and take advantage of that. A hug says all you want with out having to utter a word.


Benjam said...

true dat.

and thanks again for coming over.

she did actually sleep, so thanks for that as well. I'm sure she's grateful.

chels said...

Yes, I now understand what you mean about death being more personal.

Thanks for all...

Sheri said...

give them a hug for me to.

Coral said...

Beautiful! Well put. Life is short.

TRICIA said...

we too had a friend lose her husband on Christmas eve and I have been overwhelmed with emotions. It is such a hard thing. thanks for sharing this. I hope you are feeling ok

Ed said...

Please express our condolences, son. You did the right thing and our heart goes out to their friends and family.
Love, Dad and Marci